Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Bladder Cancer -- Revisted

I should not complain but I will. I'm tired of having bladder cancer. I'm tired of having Cystoscopes and catheters stuck up my wedding tackle. I'm tired of having the inside surface of my bladder scraped to remove malignant growths. I'm tired of having BCG treatments every week that leave me feeling like I have the flu.On the other hand I'm not tired of looking at the grass from the green side.
The hospital and clinic staff could not be kinder, especially considering the grumpy curmudgeon they have to deal with. Sadly, despite their best efforts I have had two recurrences since my initial diagnosis and treatment. Both of these recurrences are described as 'mild', as if that made me feel better. I never used to be driven by my emotions, or at least I tried not to be, but since cancer entered my life I have got more than a bit weepy at times. Fortunately I am married to a rock who supports me even in my most irritable moments. I love her as much as I always have and as much as I am capable, albeit less than she deserves perhaps. 

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