Saturday, May 3, 2014

Lunch at the White House, Dinner at Buck House?

It seems that the Northern Ireland peace is under threat because of the arrest of Gerry Adams on suspicion of the 1972 murder and burial of a mother of 10 by the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PROVO).  During The Troubles as they are euphemistically called, Irish terrorists killed over 3000 people. Americans will recall that less than that number were killed in the Twin Towers. I'm awaiting the outcry in the USA about the Adams arrest but I do note that while Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness we treated to lunch at the White House by the Clinton administration, I don't recall Osama Bin Laden being dined at Buck House by the Queen.
Adams is being investigated, may be indicted and may subsequently be tried for murder. Osama got assassinated in a foreign country by US special forces. Before my fellow Americans get all bent out of shape, I would also like to note that the 3000+ murders associated with The Troubles were bought and paid for by US citizens, many of them prominent, and that they have never been held to account. I would also ask them to contemplate what they might think if the UK had sent the SAS or an armed drone to the USA to assassinate Adams or McGuinness absent due process, before, after or during their luncheon.

No wonder the rest of the world hates American arrogance in these matters.

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