Friday, May 2, 2014

Scottish Independence -- Such A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation

When I first heard the words to Parcel of Rogues as a younger man I assumed that the final couplet (We are bought and sold for English gold, Such a parcel of rogues in a nation) referred to the English. Now I'm not so sure. Having read and listened to the discourse surrounding the referendum on Scottish independence I'm seeing another interpretation of Robert Burn's famous words.
The Tory party north and south of the Scottish border should be disqualified from comment since they claim to support a united (federated) Europe. As such, an independent Scotland as a constituent nation of the EEC should to them be a distinction without a difference to the status quo -- always assuming they have some principles -- oops!
Royalists as represented by this group of Rangers supporters prove that while the rock may have gone from Punk Rock, the rest remains. The British Labor party derives it's majority in parliament, when it has one, from the Scottish vote. Not surprising that they want a NO vote. Had they any principles I would observe that they are all for the independence of other groups and nations, but as I noted, they have none. The Liberal Democrats are irrelevant -- as always -- and we are left with the Scottish Nationalists led currently by Alex Salmon. As a small fish seeking a smaller pool to look big in I would not have too many objections to Alex's ambitions, but his loony left, national socialist stance on many policy issues makes him dangerous at a minimum, downright crazy dangerous at the extreme.
Now to the Scottish people. Scotland is now a very socialist country with a socialist population and socialist politicians. While we might imagine Tories being bought with lucrative business deals, Scottish politicians from town and country government all the way up are purchased with a good steak dinner and a bottle of malt -- small beans indeed. The population is easily bought with government hand-outs from agriculture to welfare, and every other letter of the alphabet in between. Any perceived threat to their dole as a consequence of a YES vote will result in an overwhelming NO. In America terms from our last presidential election, we are talking of the 47%, except in Scotland's case I expect it is over 67%.
And now we can return to Burn's poem. We are indeed bought and sold for English gold in the form of government dole, but it is the Scottish people who would vote their wallet rather than their heart, and their politicians, who are the modern parcel of rogues for I would rather starve in freedom than be beholden to any; particularly the English.

Alex Salmon does scare me 'though.

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