Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Lost "War on Drugs" -- admit defeat and move on

The war on drugs has been lost. It's time to declare defeat and move on. One upon a time opium, heroin, cocaine, marijuana etc. were freely available. Their purchase and consumption was not illegal. When they were made illegal we started on a path away from a drug misuse problem to the crime problem we have today. Demand will create supply and it seems that the worldwide demand for illegal drugs is limitless. Additionally the demand for misused prescription drugs is rapidly outpacing the demand for illegal drugs. This could be described as a drug problem. What should not be described as a drug problem but more correctly described as a crime problem is the lawlessness, corruption, murder and mayhem associated with the production, importation, distribution and sale of illegal drugs. The volume of money changing hands is staggering. Worse, that money is used to corrupt law enforcement, judiciary and politicians high and low. Our society is corrupted to its core by the money flowing from the trade in illegal drugs and we must stop this rot before we too become a narco-economy.
If we legalize we shall not eliminate the drug problem. We will eliminate the crime problem and the societal corruption that flows from it. Legal production, distribution and sale will guarantee purity, offer a tax target, and decriminalize drug taking behavior. Decriminalization will allow drug abusers to seek treatment without fear.
Most importantly, we lost the War On Drugs a long time since. We cannot win, we can only pour money down a rat hole with no prospect of an end.

Just Do It!

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